Welcome to, the world’s first online crowd purchasing marketplace (the “Website”) for the sports card hobbyists. This unique marketplace is a platform provided through the Website, accessible through the url, which allows users to collectively and as a group purchase (“Crowd Purchase”) and receive items from various vendors who list items on the platform for sale (“Razz” or “Razzes”). Anyone who uses this platform (a “User”), whether to attempt to sell an item listed in a Razz or Razzes (a “Seller”), to contribute to the Crowd Purchase of an item that is listed in a Razz or Razzes (a “Purchaser”), or otherwise uses the Services, applications or tools provided (collectively referred to as “Services”), must first accept the terms and conditions of this “RAZZ LINES” GENERAL USER AGREEMENT (these “Terms”) without change. AT THIS TIME, ONLY PEOPLE WITH ADDRESSES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WILL BE PERMITTED TO BECOME USERS. These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement (“Agreement”) between Users (“You” or “Your”) and “Razz Lines.” (“”Razz Lines”” or “We” or “Us” or “Our”), governing Your access to and use of the Website and Services. By accessing and its related websites or Services You are agreeing to the following Terms. You accept these Terms by clicking the “Create Account” button when registering a “Razz Lines” account and by otherwise accessing or using the Website or Services, including as a Seller in selling an item, as a Purchaser in entering a Razz, purchasing an item, group purchasing, or as a User in accessing any of the Services, creating an account, logging in to Your account or transacting or interacting with the Website in any manner whatsoever; or as otherwise indicated on a specific site or Service. You agree not to do, or omit to do, or attempt to do or omit to do, any act or thing which may interfere with the proper operation of the Website or Services or activities carried out by Us in accordance with these Terms. You and “Razz Lines” acknowledge that these Terms are concluded between you and the “Razz Lines” only, and not with the any third-party programs utilized on the website for services.

Please read these Terms carefully before using the Website or Services. By using or otherwise accessing “Razz Lines”, the Website or the Services, or clicking to accept or agree to these Terms where that option is made available, You (1) accept and agree to these Terms; (2) consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal data (subject to data protection laws) and Our Privacy Policy incorporated herein by reference; and (3) accept any additional terms and conditions contained herein as modified or changed from time to time as may be necessary. If You do not agree to the Terms then You must not access or use “Razz Lines”, the Website or the Services.

“Razz Lines” is a crowd purchasing marketplace that provides Users a platform where they can buy products from the website. The “Razz Lines” Marketplace allows Users to sell via consignment only by shipping items they would like to list to “Razz Lines” directly so purchasers are guaranteed to receive their product(s) and said product(s) will be shipped with the utmost care and packaging materials. Specifically, “Razz Lines” provides a platform for Sellers to sell via consignment through “Razz Lines” and Purchasers to purchase products, goods, services and other items (“Items”). The basic process is as follows. The Seller ships their approved product(s) to Razz Lines, who will list the item(s) for sale. Razz Lines sets a time limit with a starting time and the end time and provides at least two methods to pay for the Item: Purchase of Razz or Razzes: This method allows Purchasers to purchase an Item as a group. The Seller will create a finite number of individual slots (“Razz Spots”) with a price attached to each slot in U.S. Dollars. The combined price for all Razz Spots will be the entire purchase price for the Item. Instead of paying for the whole price of the Item, a Purchaser will purchase one or more Razz Spots. Once all Razz Spots have been filled before the listed end time, then only one individual (the “Selected Purchaser”) who has purchased a Razz Spot will be entitled to receive possession of the Item for sale, unless otherwise noted. The Selected Purchaser will be chosen through use of a third party randomizer (“RNG”) such as or similar service. The RNG process will initiate and run immediately or at a designated date and time following the last Razz Spot being purchased. Users participating in the Razz will be notified by “Razz Lines” once the last Razz Spot has been purchased and a selected purchaser has been chosen by the utilization of the third party RNG.
If You are a Seller, You are bound by additional Terms for a Seller which will be outlined in an emailed contract for you to sign. The Additional Seller Terms are incorporated into and form an integral part of these Terms. Each Seller hereby acknowledges having read, understood and agreed to the Additional Seller Terms prior to Your use of any Seller Services. “Razz Lines” merely provides a platform for a transaction to occur. “Razz Lines” is not a party to any agreement of purchase and sale in respect of an Item sold or offered for sale on the Website or as a result of Your use of Services. The Selected Purchaser and the Seller enter into a separate agreement of purchase and sale for the Item which is the subject of a Razz.

In order to participate as a Purchaser or Seller in a Razz on the website, You must first register for an account (“Account”). This involves providing the following information to “Razz Lines” (the “Registration Data”):
Required for Account registration:
(1) Your full legal name; (2) an active and valid email address; (3) a username of Your choice; (4) a password of Your choice confirmation that You are at least 18 years old ; (5) confirmation that You are a resident of have a valid mailing address in the United States of America.

Your acknowledgment and agreement to abide by these Terms Required to participate in a Razz: a valid phone number where the User may be reached an address where Items can be shipped to an address where invoices can be sent to (if different that shipping address) Your chosen username must be unique and must not be offensive, rude, disparaging, or intended to deceive or delude other Users. The username must not advertise for other websites or services or otherwise violate the intellectual property or privacy rights of any third party. Once You have confirmed You wish to create an Account and have verified Your email address, You will have become a registered User of the Website and will be entitled to use the Services, subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms. By registering as a User, You agree to provide accurate, current and complete Registration Data and to maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it accurate, current and complete at all times. If You provide any information that is inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or “Razz Lines” has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is inaccurate, not current or incomplete, We may deny You access to areas requiring registration, or suspend or terminate Your Account, at Our sole discretion. You may establish only one Account per person to participate in the Services offered by “Razz Lines”. In the event “Razz Lines” discovers that You have opened more than one Account per person, or have registered an Account after another has been terminated, in addition to any other rights that We may have, “Razz Lines” reserves the right to suspend or terminate Your Account or terminate the fulfillment of any Items You may have purchased. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your username and password and You accept responsibility for all activities, charges, and damages that occur under Your Account. It is a violation of these Terms to allow any other person to use Your Account to participate in any Razzes, sell or purchase any Items. You must immediately advise Us of any unauthorized use of Your username and password or Account or any other breach of security. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from Your failure to notify Us of unauthorized use.

You hereby represent and warrant that You are fully able and competent to enter into the conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations and warranties set forth in these Terms and to abide by and comply with this Agreement, the Additional Seller Terms and the Additional Purchaser Terms, as applicable. You must be at least eighteen years of age to open an Account, create or participate in Razzes, or purchase Items offered by Sellers on “Razz Lines”. In jurisdictions, territories, and locations where the minimum age for permissible use of “Razz Lines” is greater than eighteen years old, You must meet the minimum age requirement in Your local jurisdiction or territory. If “Razz Lines” reasonably determines that You do not meet the eligibility requirements then You are not authorized to use the Services and “Razz Lines” may deny You access to areas requiring registration, or suspend or terminate Your Account, at Our sole discretion. In order to open an Account, You must be a resident of or have a valid shipping address in the United States of America. If “Razz Lines” reasonably determines that You are not a resident of the United States of America, or Your shipping address is not located in the United States of America, then You are not authorized to use the Services and “Razz Lines” may deny You access to areas requiring registration, or suspend or terminate Your Account, at Our sole discretion.

As a condition of Your use of “Razz Lines” (including and its related websites and Services) You agree to adhere to the following Posting Rules. You will not: Breach or circumvent any laws, third party rights or Our systems, policies, or determinations of Your Account status; Distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm “Razz Lines” or the interests or property of “Razz Lines” Users; Impose or contribute to imposing an unreasonable load on Our infrastructure or interfere with the proper working of “Razz Lines”; Copy, modify, or distribute any other person’s content without their consent; Use any robot spider, scraper or other automated means to access “Razz Lines” and collect content for any purpose without Our express prior written permission; Harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent; Commercialize any “Razz Lines” Services or application or any information or software associated with such Services or application, except with the prior express permission of “Razz Lines”; Transfer Your “Razz Lines” Account and username to another party without Our consent; Bypass measures used to prevent or restrict access to “Razz Lines” or Services;Infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, publicity, moral, database, and/or other intellectual property rights (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”) that belong to or are licensed to “Razz Lines” or any other third party. Some but not all actions that may constitute infringement are reproducing, performing, displaying, distributing, copying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, using or preparing derivative works from “Razz Lines”’s Website or other content that belongs to “Razz Lines” or someone else; In addition, You are solely responsible for all information that You submit to “Razz Lines” and any consequences that may result from Your use of Services. We reserve the right at Our discretion to refuse to accept or to delete content that We believe is inappropriate or breaches these Terms. If at any time any of the foregoing Posting Rules are found by “Razz Lines” to have been breached by any User or past User of the Website or Services, “Razz Lines” reserves the right, in addition to any other rights or remedies We may have, to obtain an injunction or other equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction in order to enjoin the User from using, profiting from or otherwise continuing such breach, and, all Users hereby irrevocably agree and covenant to indemnify and hold “Razz Lines” completely harmless from any and all claims, damages, liabilities or losses “Razz Lines” may suffer, whether directly or indirectly, as a result of such breach. If We believe that You are breaching these Terms in any way and/or behaving suspiciously when using “Razz Lines” Websites or Services, We may, at Our discretion, in addition to any other rights or remedies We may have, inform other “Razz Lines” Users that have been in contact with You and recommend that they exercise caution. We may suspend or cancel unconfirmed Accounts or Accounts that have been inactive for a more than six months. Additionally, We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any Account or refuse access to all or any part of Our Services to any User for any reason at Our discretion.

When an issue arises between a Purchaser and a Seller/”Razz Lines” as consignment executor, We may consider the User’s performance history and the specific circumstances in applying Our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement in an effort to do the right thing for both the Purchaser and Seller.

You agree not to copy, distribute or modify content from “Razz Lines” without Our express prior written permission. You may not disassemble or decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to discover any source code contained on the Website. Without limiting the foregoing, You agree not to reproduce, copy, sell, resell, or exploit for any purposes any aspect of the Website (other than Your own content). When You give Us content, You grant to Us and represent that You have the right to grant to Us, a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to use and exercise any and all copyright, publicity, trademarks, design, database and intellectual property rights to that content, in any media whether now known or to be discovered in the future and on all other websites, services, applications and tools, including use by “Razz Lines” in promotional advertising, instructional videos or photographs, screen shots, etc. You represent and warrant that, for all such content You provide, You own or otherwise control all necessary rights to do so and to meet Your obligations under this Agreement. You represent and warrant that such content is accurate. You represent and warrant that the use of any such content (including derivative works) by Us, Our Users, or others We contract with, and in compliance with this Agreement, does not and will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. “Razz Lines” takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content provided by You or any third party. The name “”Razz Lines””, and other “Razz Lines” marks, logos, designs, and phrases that We use in connection with Our Services are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of “Razz Lines” in the US; They may not be used without the express prior written permission of “Razz Lines.”

If “Razz Lines” provides You with information about another User, You agree You will use the information only for the purposes it is provided to You. You may not disclose, sell, rent, or distribute a User’s information to a third party for purposes unrelated to the Services. Additionally, You may not use information for marketing purposes, via electronic or other means, unless You obtain the express written consent of the specific User to do so.

“Razz Lines” is not responsible for any issues relating to the quantity, quality, fitness for purpose or any other defect or issue relating to the Item sold. Issues involving defects of the Item sold are to be managed between the Seller and the Purchaser with “Razz Lines” as a mediator with the final decision on how to handle the matter fairly. Sellers are entitled to create rules to expedite replacements, returns, and refunds.We may suspend the “Razz Lines” Money Back Guarantee in whole or in part without notice if We suspect abuse or interference with the proper working of this policy.

“Razz Lines” provides a platform for Sellers and Purchasers to complete transactions. “Razz Lines” will only post items for Seller’s after they have signed a “Seller’s Agreement” and “Razz Lines” agrees to the terms on said “Seller’s Agreement” and the item(s) have been received as described by the Seller. If the item(s) are NOT received or are NOT received as originally described by the Seller, “Razz Lines” reserves the right to cancel the “Seller’s Agreement” contract and return any received items.

Users understand that they are solely responsible for their own compliance with any tax laws or obligations arising from their use of the Services and participation in any Razz.

“Razz Lines” makes no warranties, express or implied with respect to the sale of any Items or Razz Spots, but the sale of the Item and the Seller is otherwise subject to any warranties implied under applicable law.

Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted, We expressly disclaim all warranties, representations and conditions, express or implied, regarding the use of this Website and the Services, including those of quality, merchantability, merchantable quality, durability, fitness for a particular purpose and those arising by statute. We are not liable for any loss, whether of money (including profit), goodwill, or reputation, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of Your use of, or inability to use the Website or Services, even if You advise Us or We could reasonably foresee the possibility of any such damage occurring. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to You. Despite this, if We are found to be liable, Our liability to You or any third party (whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability in tort, by statute or otherwise) is limited to the greater of (a) the total fees You pay to Us in the six months prior to the action giving rise to such liability, or (b) $100.

“Razz Lines”, in its sole discretion, may terminate this Agreement, access to their Website, Services, or any sales or purchases or offers for same, immediately and without notice.

In the event of any Dispute arising between Users as a result of this Agreement, their use of this Website or Services, the appropriate means to resolve such a dispute shall be for the aggrieved party to submit such dispute to “Razz Lines” for a final resolution (“Decision”). Any decision made by “Razz Lines” in respect of a dispute shall be final and binding upon the Users involved in such dispute. In the unlikely event that a dispute is determined by “Razz Lines” to be unresolvable, the Users agree to submit their dispute to binding arbitration and “Razz Lines” may or may not participate at its sole discretion. Users shall bear their own costs for any such arbitration process.”Razz Lines” will not provide legal advice of any kind to Users.

If You have a dispute with one or more Users, You release Us (and Our affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees and agents) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such dispute.

You will indemnify and hold “Razz Lines” (including Our affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees and agents) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of Your breach of this Agreement, Your improper use of “Razz Lines”’s Services or Your breach of any law or the rights of any third party.

Users, not “Razz Lines”, are responsible for filing and paying all applicable taxes relating the purchase and sale of Items. “Razz Lines” does not provide tax advice, nor should any statements in this Agreement or the Service be construed as tax advice.


You and “Razz Lines” agree that any claim or dispute at law or equity that has arisen, or may arise between You and “Razz Lines” (including any claim or dispute between You and a third-party agent of “Razz Lines”) that relates in any way to or arises out of this or previous versions of this Agreement, Your use of Services or Items sold or purchased through a Razz, will be resolved in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Legal Disputes Section.

Law and Forum Disputes: This Agreement and any dispute or claim You have against “Razz Lines” shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the United States. You agree that any claim or dispute You may have against “Razz Lines” must be resolved by a court located in Hampden County, Massachusetts. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Hampshire County for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes.

Improperly Filed Claims: All claims You bring against “Razz Lines” must be resolved in accordance with this Legal Disputes Section. All claims filed or brought contrary to this Legal Disputes Section shall be considered improperly filed.

Except as explicitly stated otherwise, legal notices shall be served on “Razz Lines” 106 State Street in Palmer, MA 01069 in the United States. You consent to receive communication from Us electronically regarding Your Account, Your use of the Website or Services, any Razzes You may have participated in or any matters We reasonably feel might be of concern or interest to You. We may communicate electronically with You by email to the email address You have included with Your Registration Data. Notice to You shall be deemed given three hours after the email is sent. Alternatively, We may give You legal notice by regular mail to the shipping address You have included with Your Registration Data. In such case, notice shall be deemed given three days after the date of mailing.

“Razz Lines” may change (add to, delete, or amend) these Terms from time to time, with or without cause. Should this occur, You agree that “Razz Lines” may provide You notice of such changes in any one or more of the following ways: via an email from “Razz Lines”, and/or by posting a change notice on the Website for a reasonably limited period of time. It is Your responsibility to review any revised Terms prior to each use of “Razz Lines” or the Services. Should You find any subsequent revisions to these Terms unacceptable, You must immediately cease using “Razz Lines” or its Services. By continuing to access, use, or download in any way the Website or any Services from “Razz Lines” following notice of a revision to these Terms, You agree to and are bound by the Terms as revised.
If any provision of this Agreement, or part thereof, shall be held to be unenforceable, void or contrary to law, such provision, or part thereof, shall be severed from this Agreement, with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect. The ineffective provision shall be replaced by a valid one that approaches the intent of the ineffective provision as closely as possible.

Please email “Razz Lines” via email at [email protected] or contact us via our Facebook page or Instagram page to discuss your item(s) and if approved, sign the “Seller Terms” agreement before shipping your approved item(s) to us.